Short of calling for general nationwide strikes, there are precious few MODALITIES by which leaders of Nigeria's labor unions can acquire sufficient money to purchase modest homes with cash in the UK or Dubai.
The standard procedure, which has been repeated at least four times in Nigeria's recent history, is as follows :
1. The government threatens to raise fuel prices.
2. Labor union leaders threaten fire and brimstone if the fuel prices do go up.
3. On cue, the government doubles fuel prices overnight.
4. Privately delighted at their impending good fortune, but feigning indignant outrage in public, salivating labor leaders schedule nationwide strikes, licking their chops in eager anticipation of the coming windfall.
5. Amid much fanfare and publicity, the threatened strikes commence, with the odd protester shot dead by the police so as to lend an air of authenticity to the performance.
6. No later than the SECOND day of such strikes, Labor union leaders FINALLY get that cash call from the federal government.
7. Bug-eyed with glee, and drooling profusely, labor leaders take their places at the "Round Table Meeting" with obese government officials, where envelopes stuffed fat with hard currency are pressed into grasping hands.
8. Between browsing real-estate websites in preparation for the realization of their lifetime ambitions, Labor union leaders announce that a "breakthrough" has been reached in talks, signalling an end to the strike, 24-hours after attending the traditional Greasing of Palms ceremony with the president.
9. Precisely 36 hours into the strike, the 100% increase in fuel prices is reduced to a mere 80% increase, which is "grudgingly" accepted by the labor union leaders, who then call off the strike, after issuing the now contrite president with a "stern" admonition to keep the interests of the "common man" at heart.
10. After no more than 48 hours of national strike posturing, labor union leaders issue heartfelt thanks to God for His intervention, and call for a return to work, even as they book flights to Europe and the Middle East for the first of many memorable shopping sprees. Praise the Lord !See More
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